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Striving for Holiness

Striving for Holiness, young adults retreat (ages 19-35):

Give Christ the chance to draw you nearer to Him- join the Catholic young adults of the Diocese of Saint John for a weekend retreat at the Villa Madonna Retreat House!

Our universal call to holiness is greatly exemplified in the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, whose 5 pillars to sainthood reveal a path to heaven we are all equipped to follow: Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession & Spiritual Direction, Mary, and Charity.

Please prayerfully consider joining us, as an overnight guest or commuter, or support us by remembering the Catholic young adults of our diocese in your prayers.

Commuter $90

Overnight stay (single occupancy) $165

Overnight Stay (double occupancy) $140


For more information email: or

November 1

Survivor Support Weekend

November 16

Catholic Women’s Day