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Hope in Christ: Jubilee 2025 Men's Retreat

Experience renewal and strength at Jubilee 2025 Men's Retreat!

The Men of Faith retreat will explore the theme of hope with an emphasis on encountering and sharing our life in Christ Our Hope where he is present in our world, particularly in the Eucharist and the Sacraments, the Church, the proclamation of the Word, and in the poor and marginalized.

What to expect:

o Time for prayer and personal reflection

o Teaching and formation

o Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation

o Eucharistic Adoration

o Saturday Mass with Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC

o Friends and fellowship

o Great food and a beautiful retreat venue!

Speakers include: Jim Anderson, Patrick Giguere, Fr. Lawrence Hyginus, Fr. David Rioux & Daniel Gaudet

Register here by March 1st:

February 21

Enkindle: Fanning to Flame Our Witness to Hope

May 19

Rest: a Retreat for Those Who Serve